

NFL Player Leroy Hill Faces Domestic Violence Charges

 Posted on May 13, 2013 in Family Law

Seattle Seahawks’ player Leroy Hill was accused of third-degree assault and unlawful imprisonment after assaulting his girlfriend multiple times while holding her captive for nearly six hours at his home, the Chicago Tribune reported on January 30. family law 1 LeeviThe abused girlfriend managed to escape the residence, and was able to contact her friend who then took her to safety. The 26-year-old girlfriend had injuries on her hands, wrists, neck and legs. She told police that she had managed to escape while Hill was in a bathroom. She was taken to a hospital for treatment and released. Hill was arrested soon after the incident and was placed into the King County Jail. This is not the first time Hill has been arrested. In 2010, he was arrested on a fourth-degree assault charge. However, the charges were dropped after Hill “met court-stipulated conditions that he avoid legal trouble for 18 months and completed a treatment program.” Domestic violence can happen to anyone. An order of protection can be obtained against the violent family member, which can protect you and your children from the violence. The order of protection can protect a person for example from harassment, physical and verbal abuse, intimidation, or interference with personal liberty. In addition, other relief can be granted, such as temporary possession or custody of the children. If you or someone you know has been assaulted by a violent spouse or significant other, it is important to act immediately. A skilled family law lawyer can assist you in getting the protection you need and stop the violence. Contact a compassionate and capable divorce attorney in Illinois as soon as possible. Image courtesy of FreeDigitalPhotos.net
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