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Micheal Jordan to Wed again with Stipulations
According to a report by News One, NBA icon Michael Jordan is ready to tie the knot again. He recently sent out wedding invitations for his April 27th wedding to fiancée Yvette Prieto. The invitation came with stipulations and so does the marriage itself. Guests who received the invitations also received a card that asked that they do not speak with any member of the media and that they do not divulge details of the ceremony to anyone. They are also asked to leave their cameras and phones at home because they do not want any photos taken or info sent out over social media outlets. In 2006, Michael divorced his then wife Juanita Vanoy Jordan who walked away with a $168 million settlement, the house and the kids. He apparently has asked that his new wife to be to sign a prenuptial agreement that protect him from losing his shirt in case the marriage to his 33 year old girlfriend doesn’t work out. The prenup states that they will both retain any assets that they bring into the marriage. It also states that in the event of a divorce, Prieto will walk away with a generous $1 million for every year she spends in the marriage. In addition, if the marriage lasts over 10 years, she will be given an even more generous $5 million settlement for every year of marriage to Jordan. Sources state that Prieto was reported as saying that she feels very good about her relationship with Jordan. They have reportedly been together since 2009. If you are contemplating marriage and are bringing a large amount of assets into the marriage, the smart thing to do is to have a qualified Illinois divorce attorney assist you in drafting a prenuptial agreement that will protect your finances in the case of a divorce.
Hillary Clinton endorses gay marriage
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State Considers Privatized Child Support Collection
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Group raises awareness of child abuse
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Illinois May Pass Gay Marriage Bill | Illinois Family Law Attorney
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Heavy drinking linked to divorce risk
Heavy and incompatible drinking, or when one spouse consumes a significantly higher amount of alcohol than the other, has been shown to increase the chance of divorce. This has been proven in a study of almost 20,000 Norwegian couples that was recently released. Researchers at the Norwegian Institute of Public Health collected and reviewed data from 19,977 married couples in one county in Norway, and found that spouses who consumed similar amounts of alcohol were less likely to get a divorce than couples in which one spouse was a heavy drinker and the other was not. When the wife was the one who was drinking more alcohol, the risk of divorce was especially high. Norwegian Institute of Public Health director Ellinor F. Major was especially interested in the fact that when women were the heavy drinkers, the divorce rate was higher. “The risk of divorce is estimated to be tripled when the husband’s level of drinking is low and the wife’s drinking is heavy, compared with couples where both drink lightly,” reported Major in the online edition of Alcoholism: Clinical & Experimental Research. Another researcher from the Norwegian Institute of Public Health Fartein and author of the study Ask Torvi suggested possible explanations for why heavy drinking in women, specifically, may increase the chance for divorce: “One of them is that women in general seem to be more strongly affected by heavy drinking that men are. Thus, heavy-drinking women may be more impaired than heavy-drinking men,” said Torvi. He added, “A wife’s heavy drinking probably also interferes more with general family life – that is, the caring role of the mother, upbringing of children, etc. Perhaps the husband is more apt to leave their spouse than is the wife when major problems occur.” This study is not the first time that researchers have linked alcohol consumption to marital status. A study was presented in August 2012 at the annual meeting of the American Sociological Association, which indicated that married women drink more than divorced and widowed women, in part due to the men that they lived with that who had higher rates of alcohol consumption. Married men, however, seemed to drink less than their divorced and single counterparts. If alcohol consumption has interfered with your marriage and you are considering filing for divorce, contact Goostree Law Group today. Located in Kane County, IL, these experienced divorce lawyers can help you with a smooth, painless divorce.
Paternity & Fathers Rights | Illinois Family Lawyer
Pick up any tabloid magazine and you’re sure to find at least one article about celebrity couple Kim Kardashian and Kanye West and the new baby they have on the way. But a recent article in The Examiner raises the question as to who legally under California law, where the couple reside, could be considered the baby’s father. Kardashian is still legally married to pro-basketball player Kris Humphries. And although highly unlikely Humphries would attempt to lay claim to paternity of the baby, under California law, he could legally be entitled to do just that. In California, the husband of a pregnant woman is legally presumed to be the baby's father. Although the presumption of the law is that the married couple must be residing together, something that Kardashian and Humphries have not done in quite some time, Humphries could possibly use that law to his advantage in any divorce financial settlement negotiations. However the Kardashian/West baby situation plays out, it emphasizes the importance of establishing paternity. When relationships are working and everyone is happy, there usually aren't any issues such as financial responsibility for a child. But when relationships end, the fighting may begin. Child support and other financial obligations need to be determined. Children are also entitled to certain paternal benefits, including inheritance rights and Social Security and veteran’s benefits. If you have a child whose biological father is refusing to pay child support, contact an experienced Illinois family lawyer today to legally fight for your child and obtain what they are entitled to.
Court Rules Clinic not Liable for Child Support
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Divorce Rate Skyrockets for Baby Boomers | Kane County Divorce Lawyer
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Splitting After a Long Marriage
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