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Preventing Holiday Parenting Time Disputes 

 Posted on October 26, 2022 in Child Custody

St. Charles, IL parenting plan lawyerSharing custody of a child is no easy task. Divorced and unmarried co-parents must contend with many different parenting issues throughout the year. However, the holiday season can be an especially difficult time for families to get along. Children cannot be in two places at once, and parents and extended family may argue about which holiday gatherings children attend. As winter holidays approach, consider the following tips for preventing parenting time disputes.

Sharing Custody of Your Kids Over the Holidays

There is no way to completely avoid arguments and conflict during a co-parenting relationship. Disagreements and hurt feelings are bound to arise. However, with careful planning and preparation, you may be able to reduce the amount of conflict between you and the other parent. 

  • Review your parenting plan - Your parenting plan describes the allocation of parental responsibilities as well as the parenting time schedule. A well-written plan clarifies parenting time on holidays and other special occasions, too. Review your parenting plan before the holidays to avoid any confusion about who gets the children on what days. If you do not have a formal parenting plan, now is the time to sit down with the other parent and create one.

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My Spouse Destroyed My Property During Divorce. Can I Be Compensated? 

 Posted on October 19, 2022 in Division of Property

St. Charles divorce lawyerUnfortunately, the end of a marriage relationship can sometimes bring out the worst in people. Some divorcing spouses are so angry that they act out maliciously toward the other spouse. They may threaten their spouse, refuse to cooperate with the divorce process, or destroy their spouse's property. 

If your spouse destroyed, ruined, sold, or otherwise wasted money or property during your divorce, you may be able to seek legal recourse through a "dissipation of assets" claim. 

What is Dissipation of Assets? 

Illinois law describes dissipation of assets as  "any act or series of acts resulting in the depletion of marital property for a non-marital purpose." The law goes on to state that dissipation claims can be filed by either spouse during a divorce proceeding.


Dissipation may refer to reckless or intentional actions. For example, if a spouse has an addiction, money that is spent on drugs or alcohol may be considered dissipation. Buying expensive gifts for an affair partner may also be considered dissipation. Destroying a spouse's property  - such as breaking furniture, setting fire to a spouse's clothes, or damaging a car - would also be considered dissipation.

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Guardians Ad Litem in Illinois Child Custody Disputes 

 Posted on October 12, 2022 in Child Custody

Kane County child custody lawyerIt is not uncommon for disputes regarding parenting time and parental responsibilities to become quite contentious. Emotions are running high and what is best for the child can become lost in the shuffle. The courts understand this and have designed a process to help ensure that children's best interests are always the top priority. Guardians ad litem (GALs) play an important role in these types of cases.

A "Guardian ad Litem" is a person, usually an attorney, who is appointed by the court to represent the best interests of a minor child or children in such disputes. The Guardian ad Litem will investigate both parents’ side of the story and make recommendations to the court as to what they believe is in the child's best interests.

When is a Guardian ad Litem Assigned to a Case?

There are no hard and fast rules as to when a GAL will be assigned to a case. Generally, however, it will happen when the court feels that it would be helpful to have an objective third party involved. This is especially true if there are allegations of abuse or neglect. The court may also appoint a GAL if the parents are unable to come to an agreement on their own regarding child custody issues. Either parent may also request that a GAL is assigned to a child custody dispute or divorce case.

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How to Divorce an Abusive Wife

 Posted on October 07, 2022 in Domestic Violence

Kane County divorce lawyerAlthough women are statistically more likely to be abuse victims than perpetrators, women are just as capable of inflicting physical, mental, emotional, and psychological abuse as men. Sometimes, a woman in a same-sex relationship abuses her female partner. In other cases, the victim of the abuse is a woman’s boyfriend or husband. Although it is not talked about as frequently as other types of abuse, physical abuse against men is not uncommon. Approximately one out of every seven men has been the victim of intimate partner violence.

If you are ready to leave your abusive wife and get a divorce, you may understandably feel uncertain about the road ahead. Leaving an abusive spouse is not easy, regardless of the perpetrator’s gender. Read on to learn about your legal options in a situation like this.

Get an Order of Protection

Illinois laws protect all victims of domestic violence. If your wife has physically injured you, threatened you, or harassed you, do not wait for the situation to escalate before taking action. You can request an Emergency Order of Protection at your local county courthouse based on your testimony alone. Your wife’s presence is not required.

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How to Have the Divorce Talk With Your Children

 Posted on October 04, 2022 in Children

Kane County divorce lawyerDivorce is not uncommon, and most children have friends, family members, and schoolmates with divorced parents. However, the pervasiveness of divorce does not cancel out the deep emotional impact of divorce on children. If you are a parent planning to end your marriage soon, you may be unsure of how to broach the subject with your children. The moment your children learn about the divorce is likely a moment they will remember for the rest of their lives. The "divorce talk" should be carefully thought out and planned in advance so that it goes as smoothly as possible. 

Telling Your Children About the Divorce 

The first step is to make the decision about when and how to tell your children about the impending divorce. You and your spouse should sit down together and decide what you will say and who will say it. It is often best for both parents to be present for the conversation, but if that is not possible or practical, then one parent should take the lead. Do not tell your children about the divorce until you are absolutely certain the marriage is over. 

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Can a Father Refuse to Sign the Birth Certificate to Get Out of Child Support?

 Posted on September 26, 2022 in Child Support

Kane County Paternity LawyerIn Illinois, both parents have a legal responsibility to provide financial support to a child. The parent with the greater amount of parenting time, or time spent with the child, is the parent who receives child support. The parent with less parenting time is responsible for making child support payments. Child support payors or "obligors" may be men or women. However, statistics show that about 85 percent of the people who pay child support are men. 

Many people have questions about how and when a father is required to pay child support. For example, does a father have to pay child support if he never sees his child? Can a father surrender his parental rights? Can a father avoid paying child support by refusing to sign the birth certificate? 

Parentage and Paternity in Illinois

In order to understand how child support works, it is important to first understand the concept of "parentage." Parentage is defined as the legal relationship between a child and his or her parents. Once parentage is established, parents have certain rights and responsibilities towards their child. Parentage involving fathers is called paternity

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Can I Get Divorced Even if I Am Pregnant? 

 Posted on September 22, 2022 in Divorce

Kane County Divorce LawyerUnfortunately, life is unpredictable and rarely works out according to plan. If you are pregnant and considering divorce, you probably never expected to be in this position. You may be unsure of whether divorce is the right option or even possible in this situation.

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as every pregnancy and divorce is unique. However, it is generally possible to get divorced while pregnant in Illinois. Whether or not it is the best option for you, however, depends on your individual circumstances.

Divorce Requirements in Illinois

There is no law preventing a spouse from getting divorced while pregnant. If you or your spouse is currently expecting, you will need to meet the same divorce requirements as any other couple. In Illinois, there is only one "ground" or legal justification for divorce: irreconcilable differences. If both spouses agree that there are irreconcilable differences and the marriage is unsalvagable, there is no mandatory waiting period before they can divorce. If one of the spouses disagrees that there are irreconcilable differences, the spouses can live separately for six months to meet the "irreconcilable differences" standard and proceed with the divorce. Furthermore, at least one spouse must have lived in Illinois for at least 90 days for the couple to qualify for a divorce.

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Should I Work With a Divorce Coach During My Kane County Divorce Case?

 Posted on September 14, 2022 in Divorce

Kane County Divorce LawyerThe term "divorce coach" is one that few are familiar with. The word "coach" is usually used in connection with sports teams or mentorship. You will not find a divorce coach wearing a whistle or explaining football plays. However, divorce coaches do fulfill a similar role as sports coaches. A divorce coach helps a divorcing spouse navigate their divorce from start to finish, providing the emotional and practical support the spouse needs during this difficult time.

What Does a Divorce Coach Do?

Divorce is one of the most stressful experiences a person can go through. A divorce coach can do many things, but their main goal is to help a divorcing spouse cope with the emotional aspects of divorce. A divorce coach:

  • Helps the spouse identify and process their feelings

  • Provides guidance on how to deal with difficult emotions

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Update: More States Moving Toward Equal-Time Custody Arrangements

 Posted on September 12, 2022 in Child Custody

Kane County Family Law AttorneyOriginally published: May 23, 2014 ---- Updated: September 12, 2022

The way Illinois describes child custody and visitation has changed in recent years. A parent's power to make major decisions about his or her child's upbringing is called "parental responsibilities." The time a parent spends caring for his or her child is "parenting time." Illinois courts encourage parents to work out the allocation of parental responsibilities and parenting time in a written agreement, but if the parents cannot agree, the court will make a decision.

If the parents have a "shared parenting" arrangement, each parent has the child at least 40 percent of the time. Child support calculations reflect the relatively equal amount of parenting time in shared parenting arrangements.

Fathers’ rights advocates across the country are challenging the presumption that women make better parents. These men accuse courts of affording women preferential treatment in child custody battles and argue that "joint" custody is a joke. But family law experts counter that the so-called maternal presumption is no longer the ubiquitous standard-bearer that it was formerly.

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Update: Understanding Child Custody

 Posted on September 02, 2022 in Child Custody

Kane County Family Law AttorneyOriginally published: April 29, 2015 ---- Updated: September 2, 2022

UPDATE: Parents who get divorced or break up often face many complex legal issues related to child custody. To make the situation even more complicated, child custody laws change frequently. In 2022, Illinois no longer describes child custody in terms of physical and legal custody or visitation.

The way divorced and never-married parents care for their children is broken down into two categories: "Parenting time" is the time each parent spends with the child. "Parental responsibilities" refers to the responsibility for making major decisions about the child's welfare, including education, medical care, and religious upbringing.

Some parents allocate all of the parental responsibilities to one parent.  In other families, the parents share some or all of the responsibilities. Parenting time and parental responsibility arrangements are detailed in a parenting plan, which is submitted to the court for approval. The parent with the majority of the parenting time, meaning he or she spends the most amount of time directly caring for the child, is the recipient of child support. The parent with less parenting time pays child support.

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